Verato CEO Mark LaRow to Participate in ONC Webinar on Patient Identity and Matching

On Monday, June 1, Verato CEO Mark LaRow will present during a working session hosted by The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) on patient identity and matching. Feedback from the event will inform the ONC’s report to Congress on evaluating the effectiveness of technical and operational methods that improve identification of patients. The session will take place from 9:30 a.m.-4:30p.m. EST. Interested attendees can register here.

LaRow will speak to Verato’s efforts to support patient data integrity related to the COVID-19 pandemic, including the following use cases:

  • For a state department of health, enriched drive-through test results with demographic details, enabling a more complete understanding and proactive follow-up
  • For another state department of health, enriched and linked data to enable contact with its vulnerable senior population
  • Collaboration with health information exchanges to facilitate information sharing across states

“Access to accurate patient information is critical for all constituents across the healthcare industry,” LaRow said. “As has been recently covered, it’s only with complete patient data that we can make strides toward short- and long-term changes to make a positive impact on our current care landscape. We are excited to share what Verato has worked on in the past few months to support our customers through the COVID-19 pandemic, and we look forward to learning from peers and industry influencers on how we can all better collaborate in the months to come.”