Infographic: The state of healthcare data management


Mismanaged data effects patients and members. This infographic captures the situation with data management today and what to consider to solve your data management challenges

86% of clinicians have witnessed a medical error due to misidentification.

Great care quality and experiences depend upon complete and trusted data, delivered to the right person or system at the right time. Unfortunately research highlighted in this infographic shows that most organizations have a long way to go in this regard.

“I do love the concept of where everybody knows your name. That would be wonderful if healthcare got that correct.” ~ Robert Bart, UPMC

Data sits in a lot of different places–both within the enterprise and elsewhere–as the person pursues medical care and wellness across the healthcare journey in their lifetime. Throughout this journey it is critical that healthcare organizations know who is who.

The third party survey data of healthcare leaders illustrates the impact of patient data and identity management to achieving operational, financial, and patient care goals.