The Verato team had a great time in Phoenix at the annual IM Symposium thanks to BCBS Arizona.
Most notably, our rock-star sales manager, Rachel Blum, wrestled a cow to the ground during the rodeo event. We even have proof via our new favorite gif.
We saw a lot of similarities between this unruly cow and the unruliness of master data management.
As reporting for HEDIS, Risk Adjustment, and other value based programs becomes more prevalent and necessary, payers across the country are finding their MDM solutions are struggling to keep up. How can they verify that when physicians claim they’ve improved diabetes outcomes, it’s supported by clinical data?
It is becoming even more critical to match clinical data for a patient listed as “Stephanie Thomas” to the member record with “Stephanie St. Thomas.” Old solutions are still attempting to solve this via “head to head” comparisons, which will fail to recognize me as the same, or overlay false information on another Stephanie Thomas’ record.
Luckily Verato has pioneered a powerful new patient matching technology called “Referential Matching.” Rather than directly comparing the demographic data from two patient or member records to see if they match, Verato instead matches that demographic data to its comprehensive and continuously-updated reference database of identities. This proprietary database contains over 300 million identities spanning the entire U.S. population, and each identity contains a complete profile of demographic data spanning a 30-year history. It is essentially a pre-built answer key for all patient/member demographic data.
By matching records to this database instead of to each other, Verato can make matches that conventional matching technologies could never make—even records containing demographic data that is out-of-date, incomplete, incorrect, or different.
This is the first innovation in patient and member matching technology in decades. We found a lot of enthusiasm from other vendors and BCBS plans alike, and we think it’s not JUST because of Rachel’s cowboy skills, but also the groundbreaking nature of our Referential Matching approach.
Thanks again to Buster, Cynthia and the many folks at BCBS AZ who hosted an incredible event. We look forward to next year!