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CSTE: Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists

Verato welcomes connecting with Public health leaders at this year’s CSTE Annual Conference in Pittsburgh, PA, June 10-12. The conference agenda is here.

If you will be at CSTE, be sure to meet with our identity experts by stopping by the Verato booth #107 at CSTE. Or join Jeff Shaw and Greg Miller at our Monday morning roundtable at the event. Join us for breakfast and let’s talk how you know who is who and “Turn data chaos into clarity!”.

CSTE roundtable

Knowing who is who™ allows you to focus your time and resources on initiatives that matter most to you. To date, Verato has been deployed by over 20 public health organizations and health information exchanges (HIE) across the country, enabling them to accurately associate the correct patients in a data warehouse or analytics environment, critical for the epidemiology analytics necessary to mitigate the risk of viruses and diseases like COVID-19. Check out our Public Health data sheet to learn more.

We’ve helped companies like the State of Washington and Fairfax County get accurate data for contact information, demographics, and social determinants of health (SDOH). Together we can strengthen record-matching capabilities better than any solution out there and improve readiness for health disasters and strategic initiatives.

Our cloud-native hMDM platform uniquely addresses modern healthcare’s complex, real-time needs in one comprehensive platform by leveraging an unparalleled nationwide dataset and AI technology to resolve, manage, and enrich healthcare identities for people and organizations. Top priorities like interoperability, data consolidation, analytics & reporting, and a better digital patient experience rely on accurate identity data management – it’s the foundation that powers success.

Greg Miller, Verato identity expert, welcomes speaking with you about ways Verato can help you merge your fragmented data to get a 360-degree view of identity. Come by our booth at the conference or schedule 15 minutes on his calendar here.

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VP, State and Local Identity Data Expert