Get identity right from the start with Verato hMDM

Verify identities and resolve fragmented records across disparate data sources

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Solve the problem that drives everything else—knowing who is who™

Healthcare executives know that to drive results for any of their important priorities and initiatives, they need complete and trusted, well-managed data about patients, members, consumers, providers, and communities. Only with a single source of truth for identity can organizations confidently assemble a complete and trusted view of each individual to fuel their many strategic objectives.  

She's bringing some of her bright ideas to the front

At Verato, accuracy is in our DNA

Verato has been focused on accuracy as a non-negotiable foundation of our technology since our founding and it is one of the things that makes Verato hMDM the clear choice for mastering data in healthcare.  The accuracy of our technology is independently verified and industry-leading.

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Why focus on identity as a foundation to MDM?

Accurate, reliable identity resolution and identity verification is a critical component of any data management solution for healthcare because healthcare data is primarily about people—whether they are patients, providers, consumers, members, or citizens. Though useful information about each person is plentiful and proliferating, the data are created and stored in a large and growing set of siloed systems within each healthcare enterprise and beyond. To create a holistic record for one person—and to ensure patient safety, data security, and operational efficiency—the data must be unambiguously matched to an identity.

Disappointed with your MPI or EMPI solution? Verato can help.

Our patented, third-generation approach to Referential Matching™, continuous innovation, comprehensive platform, and quick time to value set us apart. With Verato hMDM, there’s no need to compromise.

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