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Knowing who is who starts with our provider identity matching solution

A complete and trusted view of all of your providers and provider entities, to power your strategic initiatives.

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Physicians review EHR records

Unmatched accuracy with Verato Referential Matching®

Our proprietary Referential Matching technology makes provider identity matches no other solution could make. By comparing two potentially matched records against our Verato Carbon™ database as well as against each other, Referential Matching allows you to confidently and automatically match fragmented data for a single provider from across disparate systems, even when some of the data in each system is incomplete, incorrect, or out of date.

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Verato Carbon: more than just ‘reference data’

Others may offer third-party ‘reference data,’ and say that they therefore use referential matching in their solutions. At Verato, we know that getting the benefits of true Referential Matching is more than buying some data from a big-name data vendor. Our proprietary algorithms and artificial intelligence account for common provider matching challenges and results in unprecedented accuracy, even when your provider data is missing or incorrect.

Woman studying healthcare analytics with data reflected in her glasses

Unlock the power of complete and accurate healthcare provider identity data

Your provider identity data is increasingly complex as your enterprise grows and healthcare becomes more digital. Confidently resolve and manage fragmented provider identity data--for individual practitioners and provider entities--from across your entire enterprise and beyond with better provider matching technology.

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