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Next-generation person matching and provider data management for state and local government

Verato connects person data from any source to meet today’s demands and prepares you to scale for whatever comes next. Our identity solutions can help with a variety of data-driven use cases including contact tracing, disease surveillance, analytics, vaccine registries, and information sharing.

Businessmen review identity data on a laptop
Woman studying healthcare analytics with data reflected in her glasses

Reveal trusted insights

Achieving an accurate identity picture gives you the confidence to act on insights drawn from analytics, such as seeing if results of efforts result in equity.

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Physicians review EHR records

Fill information gaps

Verato identity data services connect disparate records and serve as an answer key for missing demographic information such as age, race, ethnicity, and gender.

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two individuals looking at a silver laptop searching for provider data management

Verato enables a complete and trusted picture of people

Data for each person lives scattered across agencies and departments, in a fragmented set of records that are difficult to align for a whole host of reasons. Verato can help. Watch the video to gain clarity on the challenges that need to be addressed and hear how Verato, the identity experts for healthcare and government, helps solve the problem that drives everything else: knowing who is who™.

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A doctor talking with a patient using a tablet that contains the patient’s medical records

Improve contact tracing

Fighting COVID-19 and other public health emergencies in the future requires person data that is error-free and reliably linked. Verato helps health departments manage person data across multiple sources.

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This is where ideas are brought to life

Integrate easily

A native, cloud-based solution, Verato integrates with leading platforms and legacy systems to improve public health data management. Learn how our modern APIs support fast interoperability.

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Verato supports more than 90 healthcare organizations

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